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Delusional Dream of a OpenPower Framework Laptop

August 4, 2024

Framework is a company that makes modular and repairable laptops that has captured the interests of tech enthusiasts over the past 4 years. Currently Framework laptops are limited to x86-64 architecture supporting Intel and later AMD CPUs in 2023. Although Framework laptops are not entirely open source, they have open source a decent chunk of their work from my understanding and which allows third party development of components and makes partnership possible for other companies such as DeepComputing to release a mainboard that runs a RISC-V CPU . While the new mainboard will not be usable for everyday applications, it is a step forward to a more open ecosystem and this is an exciting step for both Framework, RISC-V and the broader open-advocate community. This announcement makes me wonder the possibility of OpenPower running on a Framework laptop. Similarly to RISC-V, there isn’t an easily accessible way to obtain a consumer product running on OpenPower (aside from Raptor Computing with their extremely expensive machines). There is the PowerPC Notebook project ran by a group of volunteers who are trying to develop an open source PowerPC notebook to the hands of hobbyists. It would be interesting if OpenPower community could also partner with Framework to develop a mainboard once the project is complete and the software is more matured. However, this would be a difficult step as there is no dedicated company like DeepComputing that will pour resources into making this happen. The interest into OpenPower is low and overshadowed by the wider industry interest in expanding the ARM and RISC-V architecture to consumers. IBM made a huge mistake in open sourcing the POWER architecture too late. But one could always dream (even if it’s delusional) :D