A random site by a random clueless human
Random bits of programming, math, and thoughts By a clueless human          Random bits of programming, math, and thoughts By a clueless human


Welcome to yet another random webpage in the cyberspace¹ written by a random human on planet Earth. Random bits is a personal outlet to talk about random² bits of things that is going in my mind and life.

Random Bits is not a name I go by fyi. Any other sites and social media using this name is not me. Over the span of my digital life, I have gone through various names but these days I go by zakuarbor. zakuarbor is the name of my Github account and therefore also my blog. Like many names in the digital world, this name was chosen arbitrary, within a few minutes before the creation of my account back in 2016. It stems from my favorite Grunt from the Universe of Gundam, the Zaku, and one of the symbols of my university, arbor, which is tree in English.

I am a Math student, software developer, and a random human who writes random things. Being bored of work, I decided to pursue another degree which led me to my current study in Mathematics. I maintain a blog focusing on programming and hopefully math at zakuarbor.github.io/blog.

Random Bits

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Last Major Edit: 2024-08-18