2024 Update
August 4, 2024
In the past year I have been very lazy as evident with my lack of activity on my personal blog. I'm now trying to pick up blogging again. It's hard to believe that it's been almost an entire year since I created this neocity site, which has almost 0 updates since. I've been thinking about how to use this site since I already have a blog on GitHub Pages. Honestly, I forgot this corner existed, and it’s been bothering me that I couldn’t write my random, nonsensical thoughts because my main blog wouldn’t be a suitable medium until now. So, I’ve decided that this corner will be a microblog where I can share random articles and thoughts. A microblog is different from a regular blog in that the content is much shorter. This space will allow me to quickly jot down something random. I hope that a collection of these random posts will evolve into a blog post or spark an idea for my final year thesis or project.
How are my studies going?
I’m still studying Mathematics, but I’ve lost much of my initial interest in the field after taking a few third-year courses.
I ended up taking fewer Math courses, which puts my ability to graduate on time at risk.
Listening to lectures and reading about abstract groups and rings made me really miss programming and computer science.
Despite this, there were still some Math courses I enjoyed, such as Combinatorics and Real Analysis.
However, I didn’t last long in the follow-up Real Analysis courses that covered Stone-Weierstrass and Commutative C* Algebra.
Feeling tired of abstract Mathematics, I decided to take a break and pursue an internship at a telecommunications enterprise.

As mentioned, I am currently doing a year-long internship with a telecommunications enterprise. Although the job isn't very exciting, it's a welcome break from Mathematics. This would typically be a great chance to catch up on my Computer Science studies by delving into textbooks and online resources, but I’ve been quite lazy. Instead, I've been focusing on learning French, a language I've always wanted to master. I started learning French in elementary school, as it’s a requirement in Canada. While it might make more sense to learn my mother tongue, I’m opting to learn French, which might seem confusing to some. For context, I don't have an English name and was born in some Asian country but I am unable to communicate with others in my mother tongue.